Setting the Record Straight on Three Education Issues
Opinion -Overwrought allegations about “massive teacher layoffs,” the elimination of the DOE, and school choice abound. -
Earth Has Limited Natural Resources to Support the Generation of Electricity
Opinion -Some countries’ economies remain heavily dependent on oil reservoirs. What will happen when their reservoirs become depleted and the wells run dry? -
Offshore Wind Construction Is Ignoring President Trump
Opinion -President Trump’s day one Executive Order (EO) on wind power is a clear threat to the offshore wind projects that are under construction, but they seem to be ignoring this threat -
PRESS RELEASE: Only Economic Growth and Budget Cuts Can Save America from Fiscal Collapse
Opinion -Press Release -New Policy Brief from The Heartland Institute explains how raising taxes would increase federal deficit and national debt. -
Climate Change Weekly # 538 — Big Tech Embraces Reliable Energy, Jettisons Wind, Solar
Opinion -Legacy Climate Change Weekly -Since its passage, the IRA resulted in billions of dollars being wasted on various green boondoggles. -
Squirrels Killed by the Forest Service, or the Courts?
Opinion -Any person or group can delay any forest management project by simply coming up with new information on any endangered species. This has been disastrous – both for the forests and for many endangered species. -
Unnecessary Section 230 Grants Bigger Amnesty Than Biden’s Bogus Family-J6 ‘Pardons’
Opinion -Big Gov grants Big Tech blanket amnesty. And then Big Gov colludes with Big Tech to censor us. And we can’t sue. Because Big Gov granted Big Tech blanket amnesty. -
Nuclear-Generated Electricity Saves an Electricity-Starved World
Opinion -Nuclear power, when marketed in a levelized free-enterprise system with fair laws for all, is by far the cheapest way to produce electricity that is safe, continuous, uninterruptible, emission-free, and utilizes the least amount of the earth’s natural resources. -
Education and Misinformation. Why Do Lies Often Win?
Opinion -When the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) was created in 1917, maybe some honest people believed that government-run industries work better than free-market industries. In the USSR, all industries were run by government bureaucrats, and many university-trained experts both inside and outside of the USSR promised superior performance of these industries. The results were […] -
PRESS RELEASE: President Trump’s Embrace of Coal-powered Energy Is ‘the Right Thing for America’
Opinion -Press Release -‘President Trump bringing back coal is the epitome of making America energy independent and dominant again.’ -
Overlooked Treasury Report Supports Musk’s Warning About Federal Deficits Sinking the U.S.
Opinion -Elon Musk recently stated that “rich people” should “be caring more” about federal deficits because “if the ship of America sinks,” “we all sink with it.” This may seem like hyperbole, but a widely overlooked report from the U.S. Treasury shows it is a likely scenario unless major changes are made. -
Reality Check: Towns and States Don’t Want Green Energy
Opinion -There is a rising tide of opposition to renewable energy from towns, cities, and states in the United States. -
Climate Change Weekly # 537 — Unreported Conflicts of Interest Rife in Climate Research
Opinion -Legacy Climate Change Weekly -Since its passage, the IRA resulted in billions of dollars being wasted on various green boondoggles. -
Zombies That Can Never Be Killed
Opinion -Nowadays, the Congressional Budget Office issues annual reports on “expired and expiring authorizations,” and the number and scope of such programs – now called “zombie programs” – is stunning. -
Bogus Myths Created to Promote Renewables
Opinion -So-called renewable energy is only intermittently generated electricity from renewables, as wind turbines and solar panels cannot make any products or fuels for the various transportation industries. -
Climate Change Weekly # 536 — Budget-Busting Climate Provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act Must Go
Opinion -Legacy Climate Change Weekly -Since its passage, the IRA resulted in billions of dollars being wasted on various green boondoggles. -
Retooling Schooling
Opinion -We must change the way we pay teachers and get back to traditional reading methods. -
Paying For What Ought To Be Free
Opinion -Environmental groups and universities are already working to mitigate climate change and reduce fossil fuels. So, we’re paying some to do what they were doing anyway, and paying others not to do what they weren’t doing anyway. -
Small Modular Reactors Will Benefit Developing Economies
Opinion -Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) hold the potential to revolutionize the clean electricity landscape by providing scalable and flexible solutions across both the developed and the developing world. -
The Left’s Cognitive Dissonance on Taxes and Regulations
Opinion -There are only a vanishingly few instances where Big Government advocates are honest about the awful policies upon which they insist. -
Mine, Baby, Mine – Right Here in the USA!
Opinion -President Trump's termination of climate, wind and solar programs will benefit wild, scenic and agricultural lands all across Planet Earth — and America's mineral-rich public lands can be explored with minimal impacts on the ecological values we all cherish. -
PRESS RELEASE: New Study Details the Green Scam That Is the ‘Inflation Reduction Act’
Opinion -Press Release -“The Inflation Reduction Act is a robbery of such magnitude that it makes the Lufthansa heist look like child’s play over chump change.” - Tim Benson -